In this moment of misery and distress the world empathizes with the people of
The catastrophe raises a few disturbing questions. What rankles ones mind is the frequency of the natural disaster? What steps can be taken to avert such misfortunes? Is this process irreversible? Who is largely responsible for such happenings? What is nature trying to convey to us? To what extent is nuclear in any form viable? It is immensely battle with dangerous, manifold consequences; it is the sitting on a living bomb.
Man has forgotten to its own peril the fundamental and universal truth about the invincibility of nature. We are trying to sub nature in the name of development and have not been working in with nature. Hence to a great extent man has been the catalyst behind such occurrences.
This horrifying tragedy reminds us that man has moved away from spiritualism and holistic living. We no more look inwards, the more we move inwards the more compassionate we become and the thought process that emerges out of it has a different quality and dimension. All answers to major problems lie inside us net outside. Let us pray to our masters and the almighty to illumine our inner being.
Nature is in a punishing and unforgiving mood. The only options for us are to accept the blunders we have committed repent survender and pray for redemption. We appeal in reverence to the pious and enlightened souls who understand the movement and astrology of nature and who live in deep bounding with existence to use their unlimited powers to save mankind for now only their "mercy pleas" will be heard by the almighty.
Will nature give us another chance to redeem ourselves? Or has the wheel of destruction started rolling. The answer lies in the womb of Mother Nature. All we can do now in to pray pray and pray individually and collectively.
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